Conga Sports Friday Night Tennis
For intermediate to advanced players. Doubles and mixed doubles with different partners/opponents.
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Join with a partner for league practice.
FNT is usually on Fridays from 7-9 pm at Weddington Golf & Tennis in Studio City.
Cost is $20 per player ($15 for Conga members)
Conga Sports Tennis 101
Package of 4 clinics for beginners, novices, and returners to tennis. Each 2-hour clinic includes learning one element of mastering tennis in the first hour followed by practicing what we learned in the second hour.
1st clinic - 1 hour Ground Strokes + 1 hour practice hitting
2nd clinic – 1 hour Serves + 1 hour hitting/serving
3rd clinic – 1 hour Volleys, Overheads + 1 hour hitting/volleys/overheads
4th clinic – 2 hours Supervised Match Play, Strategy
Clinics are usually on Saturdays from 4-6 pm.
Cost is $170 per player ($150 for Conga members). Minimum of 8 players required.
Conga Sports Live Ball Group 1 - Levels 2.5-3.0 Welcome
1 1/2 hr of Live Ball clinic with Samora followed by 1/2 hr of match play practice.
Group 1 is for advanced beginners, novices, and returners. Great practice for ground strokes and volleys. Have more fun getting your tennis game on.
Clinics are usually on Saturdays from 4-6 pm.
Cost is $35 per player ($30 for Conga members). Minimum of 8 players required.
Conga Sports Live Ball Group 2 - Levels 3.0-3.5 Welcome
1 1/2 hr of Live Ball clinic with Samora followed by 1/2 hr of match play.
Group 2 is for intermediate to advanced players. High-energy fun and competitive workout.
Clinics are usually on Saturdays from 4-6 pm.
Cost is $35 per player ($30 for Conga members). Minimum of 8 players required.
Conga Sports City Slams Team Tennis Tour - a series of quick tournaments - Levels 3.0-3.5-4.0 Welcome
Teams are being handicapped to guarantee a level playing field
The second SoCal season begins in November. Kick-off event at Weddington: Sunday, October 22, 3-6 pm
The cost is $89 per player which includes a 1-year Conga Sports membership. (Conga members pay $49)
For Conga Members: Log on and select the event in the EVENTS list (Top Menu)
For Non-Members: Go to First Time Here to set up an account, decide on your membership type, and then check the Events List to register.
For Conga Members: Log on and select the event in the EVENTS list (Top Menu)
For Non-Members: Go to First Time Here to set up an account, select membership type "Regular Player Membership with City Slams registration for SoCal Season 2."

Conga Sports is bringing a new brand of tennis to the world by pushing the fun envelope and turning players and beginners into fanatical fans.

For Players:
Challenge: Tournament entry fees prevent many players from entering
Solution: Tournament entry fees may sometimes be covered by sponsors
For Sponsors:
Challenge: Many players who want your products are either unknown or not accessible
Solution: Sponsorship exposes your brand/products to a larger segment of the active player market
For Facilities:
Challenge: Court time often goes unused, reducing potential recurring revenue
Solution: Conga buys court time from you, often at none-prime time hours.

Year 1 City Slams is a California program (proof of concept phase)
Year 2 expansion to Western Region and on to a nationwide series of events.
Year 5 expansion to Canada and Mexico for the North American City Slams.

Message from Savannah Bananas owner Jesse Cole
The level will be 3.0/3.5/4.0 and to level the playing field, we are handicapping teams.
Each team of 6 players will have 3 men and 3 women plus subs.
We’ll play 1 men’s doubles, 1 women’s doubles, and 1 mixed doubles.
The match format will be quick 8-game pro sets.

Registration fee will be $89 per player and includes a 1-year Conga Sports membership.
The winner of your flight will play the winner of other flights for the Southern California CITY SLAMS championship. All other teams continue playing in the Back Draw.
The SoCal winner will play the NorCal winner for the California State Championship.
By the end of 2026 we’ll hopefully have those championships in all 50 states and can play for the National CITY SLAMS Championship for bragging rights and prize money.
In 2026 we’ll add Canadian and Mexican cities and play for the North American CITY SLAMS Championship with even more prize money.

INTERESTED? City Slams Second Season Sign-Ups - Claim Your City! JOIN US!
Teams are forming everywhere. City Slams is a series of short tournaments with no cheating, no sandbagging, but pure fun! Make sure your city has a team. Only one team per city! Join us as a player and we'll assign you a team. Or join us as Captain if you want to organize a team.

Teams play short sets of men's dbls, women's dbls, and mixed dbls for their city. One team per city. Teams advance through Group Level round robin match play (4 teams/group) to the next level or into a Back Draw. The first round will be played on October 22. The following round will be played in November and December (dates tbd).
City Slams teams are expected to come up with unique ideas for fun team names and uniforms and must perform a team song at each tournament.
All players will sign up and pay the registration fees for the entire event at this stage.
Conga Sports members register for $49.
Non-members register for $89 which includes a 1-year Conga Sports membership with all exciting benefits.

Is City Slams a tennis league?
Not at all. City Slams is a series of Team Tournaments. Teams play for their city, their community. We call it playing tennis with a purpose.
Can City Slams wins qualify players for the US Open?
No. While it is conceivable that City Slams may add a high level division at a later date, it’s currently a recreational series of team tennis tournaments with intermediate and advanced level players.
Is City Slams just a California program?
No. City Slams starts out in California during the first half of 2023 but then rapidly expands to other states in the western region of the United States. By the end of 2026, City Slams will be a national program that operates in all 50 states.
How many players per City Slams team?
Each team has 6 players, 3 women and 3 men. Optional: 1 or 2 subs.
What is the cost of registering for City Slams?
Conga members pay $49
Non-members pay $89 which includes a 1-year Conga Sports membership
Are there any other fees or costs involved in playing on a City Slams team?
No. All court fees, the balls, and the trophies are included.
When a club fields a team for City Slams, do all players have to be club members?
No. A club can add as many outside players to their team roster as they need to get to 6 players
Are City Slams matches only played on public courts?
No. We are currently examining partnership arrangements with groups of private clubs to use their courts, in addition to team clubs and public courts in certain areas.
How many teams can represent one city?
Only one team per city is allowed. To illustrate: If the LA Tennis Club elects to participate for Los Angeles, the Brentwood Country Club must play for the Brentwood neighborhood.
What are the elements of other sports City Slams plans to include
To make tennis more interesting we play shorter matches and introduce 3 flags per team per set for challenges and coaching issues.
What is the tennis format of City Slams?
Each match consists of 1 men’s doubles, 1 women’s doubles, and 1 mixed doubles 8-game sets. Each game won counts for all teams.
Local Group Level matches are played as a 4-team round-robin event. Group winners advance, the other teams go into a Back Draw.
What is the level of play for City Slams teams?
Generally, City Slams players play at levels 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. We level the playing field by using a handicapping system. So, a 3.0/3.5 team has the same chances as a 4.0/4.0 team.
If two teams have the same points after all matches are played, how do you break that tie?
Before each match, both team captains have to present a confidential list of all players to the tournament desk, with players numbered from 1 to 6. The list will not be seen by the opponents and the sequence cannot be changed. A player on this list can be changed if another player comes in as a substitute for him or her during the regular match.
When it comes to play the tiebreaker, the two teams line up on opposite ends of a court and play 1 singles point each according to the list.
If, after 12 points, it is still a tie, each captain can denote one player to play one more point.
Will the matches have an umpire present?
There will be one tennis teaching pro as umpire at City Slams Finals. At Group Level, matches will have at least one Conga staff observer and umpire. The umpire is also Emcee and sideline coach answering the call for flags. The sideline coach’s decisions are final.
Is that it?
No, there’s more.
Every team is required to come up with an interesting team name.
Every team is encouraged to show up with interesting, funky team uniforms.
Every team is also required to prepare a team song which they are expected to perform at the tournaments.
This is how it all began...
March 25 at Weddington Golf & Tennis
in Studio City
The team playing for Studio City came all in red tops while the team playing for Los Angeles had a Hawaiian theme which ultimately led to them winning the Best Team Outfit contest.

After the first round of matches, the team playing for the City of Pasadena (left) played hard but came in last and had to leave the contest. The teams playing for Studio City, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles moved on to the next round. Our thanks go to the Pasadena Captain Jeff Korerat for fielding a fine team and fighting in great spirits.
April 22 at Santa Monica Tennis Club
The teams of Studio City, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles duked it out on a Saturday afternoon in the beautiful city of Santa Monica. The home team played valiantly but even the home team advantage didn't help them. Thank you, Captain Tom Holton, for putting up a good fight and being such a gracious host! The Studio City team won the Best Team Song contest (see the short video on the right) and went on to the final together with the Los Angeles team.
May 24 Final at MountainGate Country Club
Two inspired teams met for the first-ever City Slams final. The team of MountainGate Country Club played for the city of Los Angeles against the team of Studio City on a Wednesday evening. MountainGate Country Club is one of the premier tennis clubs in Southern California and we all enjoyed playing at their fantastic courts.

Both teams with almost all their players posing in the above photo. In the center back: 1980 Australian Open Singles Champion Brian Teacher who was nice enough to hand out the awards afterward and entertained us all with some amazing stories about his 1980 Grand Slam win. Below: the videos about the hilarious Best Team Song contributions which the Studio City team ultimately won.
And the winner is.... drumroll... Los Angeles! Congratulations to Captain Carlos Yguico (photo below, 4th from left) whose team pulled it off and won the first City Slams Championship in Southern California. What a fine team they have! And the Studio City team came in with fighting spirit but had to concde in the end. Captain Luis Sanchez and his troupe were very gracious seconds and we can't wait to have them come back for the next season.

One last impression from the City Slams Final (below). All in all, it was a great event where we (Nikki and Rich) learned a lot which will enable us to fine-tune the program for the next season. Thank you everyone for participating.