We support

Developing the Power
of Sports in Africa
We want to do our part to help this great movement for change in Africa. Sadili targets the slum kids in the slums of Kenya, who face early marriages, violence, HIV/AIDS, poor hygiene, low school attendance, limited opportunity to play and lack of space for play, poor security, and no electricity. They use sports to teach survival skills to 2100 underprivileged children under 12 years of age.
Dr. Elizabeth Odera, PTR-certified tennis professional and 2021 inductee into the Black Tennis Hall of Fame, is the founder of Sadili.
The Durham, North Carolina-based scientist writes in her book 'Sports for Life' "For over 20 years Dr. Elizabeth Odera has been using sports and education to save lives. Racquet in hand, she travels the dirt roads of Kibera, one of the world’s biggest and most dangerous slums, seeking to help those humanity seems to have forgotten. A true hero in every sense of the word, Sports for Life details her amazing journey passes along the philosophy that continues to change and save the lives of countless children." (Amazon)
Sadili mainly consists of four initiatives:
Girl Power Clubs Africa, a women leadership program that trains teenage girls to become agents of positive change through sport, culture, art and dance.
Slum Sports, targeting kids in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
WASH, stands for "WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene." Campaigns for training young leaders to promote good "WASH" behaviour through sport.
Ushindi Boys Clubs, a men's leadership programme that initiates teenage boys through various stages of growth into young men.
Another Sadili initiative is the annual SAFARI JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP which provides a unique annual development opportunity for the most promising 100-120 kids in Kenya. The Covid-19 pandemic had put a stop to that program and they weren't able to organize the camp for the last two years. Plans for doing it in 2022 (August 1-12) are in place and we're helping Liz Odera with her fundraiser. She is also in need of coaches volunteers for the camp. Tennis coaches have to pay their own way to Nairobi and from then on everything will be provided: hotel, food, and a "very unique" private Kenyan Safari.

We want to encourage friends and members of Conga Sports to help us reach Liz Odera's fundraising goal for the Safari Junior Tennis Camp.
You can donate $10, $100, $1,000 - whatever you are comfortable with. Every dollar is appreciated.
Thank you!
Rich Neher, President
Conga Sports Inc.